21-Day Happy Back Challenge! (yoga for back pain)

Yoga For Back Pain
If you suffer from lower back pain, locked-up shoulders, and a weak core, there’s a very good chance I can help you. I’d like to invite you to join my 21-Day Happy Back Challenge designed for all levels, including beginners.

Reduced Pain
Movement is medicine but you need to listen to your body’s pain signals, adjust, adapt and modify along the way. During this program, you’ll dramatically increase your proprioception (external awareness) and interoception (internal awareness).

Improved Posture
Laptop lifestyle has left many of us with hunched shoulders and a swooping lower back. In this challenge, we’ll free up stuck areas and use balancing practices to create alignment head-to-toe. Better posture = better movement patterns = happy back.

Renewed Joy for Sports
Most students tell me their best memories are outdoors: walking, hiking, cycling or swimming. For some people, it’s a yoga classes or a gym workout. Whatever your favorite activities are, when your spine is happy, it’s pure joy.

Strengthened Muscles
Did you know most people lose 1 lbs of muscle per year as they age? During this challenge, we’ll work to reverse that by developing deep core stabilizers for your spinal column and posterior chain.

Boosted Flexibility
You should be able to touch the floor in a forward bend, interlace your hands behind your back with straight arms, and twist a full 180-degrees at any time, day-or-night, without pain. Most of us have lost some of this basic range of motion, but the good news is that you can get it back.

Improved Quality of Life
I realized that health may not be the top priority for everyone, but when basic movements cause pain and discomfort, nothing is more important than correcting the problem. Once you make spinal hygiene part of your routine; your overall quality of life improves in everything from your attitude to your love life.

LEARN MORE: https://www.yogabody.com/happy-back/

#BackPain #YogaforBackPain #YOGABODY

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