Sign up for the 3-Day Iyengar Morning Practice Challenge
Day 1: Create length and find space
Day 2: Forward bends and awareness to the back body
Day 3: Twisting, back bending, inversions
Subtitles added, Timestamps below.
Looking for back pain relief exercises, or more specifically back pain relief yoga? This sequence is perfect for you if you are experiencing back pain in your daily life, or back pain during pregnancy or menstruation. This Iyengar sequence includes some back pain stretches. Whether you want to practice Iyengar yoga for a beginner, or yoga for beginners in general. There will be Iyengar yoga poses guided by Kathy Cook, a senior-level certified Iyengar yoga teacher. You will be using yoga props, a blanket, a belt, or maybe some blocks. These Iyengar yoga asanas and Iyengar yoga sequence will give you an idea of what is Iyengar yoga, Iyengar yoga’s benefits, and how you can practice Iyengar at home. This is one of the many videos on the channel for you to practice yoga online for free. The asanas we go through in this class are shown in the timestamps below.
00:00- Intro
01:51 – Supta Tadasana ( Supine Extended Mountain Pose )
03:27 – Ardha Pavanamuktasana ( Half Wind-relieving Pose )
05:02 – Preparation of Supta Padangusthasana I ( Preparation of Recline Big Toe Pose 1 )
07:53 – Supta Tadasana ( Supine Extended Mountain Pose )
08:49 – Supta Padangusthasana I ( Recline Big Toe Pose 1 )
11:32 – Supta Tadasana ( Supine Extended Mountain Pose )
11:36 – Supta Padangusthasana II ( Recline Big Toe Pose 2 )
15:27 – Supta Tadasana ( Supine Extended Mountain Pose )
15:54 – Supta Padangusthasana IV ( Recline Big Toe Pose 4 )
18:34 – Tadasana ( Mountain Pose )
18:40 – Utthita Hasta Marichyasana ( Extended Marichi’s Pose )
23:34 – Bharadvajasana ( Torso Stretch Pose )
29:39 – Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ( Upward-facing Dog Pose )
31:07 – Ardha Uttanasana ( Half Standing Forward Bend )
31:54 – Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ( Upward-facing Dog Pose )
32:39 – Ardha Uttanasana ( Half Standing Forward Bend )
33:09 – Tadasana ( Mountain Pose )
33:41 – Ardha Chandrasana ( Half Moon Pose )
35:44 – Ardha Uttanasana ( Half Standing Forward Bend )
36:04 – Ardha Chandrasana ( Half Moon Pose )
37:30 – Ardha Uttanasana ( Half Standing Forward Bend )
37:52 – Setu Bandha Sarvangasana ( Bridge Pose )
41:44 – Savasana ( Corpse Pose )
#iyengaryoga #Yogainbali #desayogi
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