Yin Yoga for Beginners – Full Body Stretch Yoga

Yoga For Beginners
A 35 minute Yin yoga class perfect for beginners who want a full body stretch!
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No doubt about it, Yin Yoga is my favorite style of practice! This 35 minute yin yoga class is perfect for beginners who are new to this style or want a more gentle approach to yin. We will only be holding the poses for about 2 minutes each instead of the usual 3-5 I normally do in other yin yoga classes.

You will need 2 blocks and a strap for this practice!

What is Yin Yoga? Yin yoga is often called the Yoga of the joints because unlike other styles of yoga, the emphasis is not on the muscles but on the deep connective tissue. Connective tissue is made up of fascia, ligaments and tendons which surround and form your joints. Yin yoga improves the range of motion in your joints and also strengthens them. The results and benefits are more flexibility and greater range of motion and also more stability within your joints.

There are 3 principles of Yin Yoga.
1. Find your edge
2. Be still
3. Hold the pose

Find your edge means respecting your body’s limits and not pushing too far and risking injury. Pull back a little bit and as you hold the pose you will be able to go deeper into it without pushing too far or hurting yourself.

Being still means that once you are in the pose it is important to completely relax your muscles so the benefits can get into the connective tissues and joints. Try not to fidget or move or distract yourself, this is a meditative practice. Breathe deeply in and out through the nose.

Holding the pose means that in Yin Yoga a pose can be held for 1-10 minutes depending on the pose performed and on the comfort level of the student.

For more Yin Yoga, try my FREE 7 Day Immersion: http://bit.ly/yinimmersion

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???? Morning Yoga Challenge http://bit.ly/morning30days
???? Evening Yoga Challenge: http://bit.ly/bedtime30


✨ Browse by Yoga Style: https://bit.ly/ywkstyles
✨ Browse by Focus & Body Part: http://bit.ly/focusywk
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???????? 30 hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training: https://bit.ly/yinyttkass
????️ 10 hour Yoga Philosophy Course: https://bit.ly/ywkyama
???? Yin Yoga: Stretch the Mindful Way Book: http://geni.us/ywkbook

???? Lunar Yoga Series http://bit.ly/applunar
???? Vin to Yin Chakra Series http://bit.ly/vinyinchakra
???? Yin Yoga & Affirmations http://bit.ly/affyoga
???? Yoga for Insomnia http://bit.ly/sleepfastyoga
???? 14-Day Yin & Yang Yoga Challenge http://bit.ly/14dayyinyang
???? Advanced Chakra Meditation https://bit.ly/meditatechakra
⚽ Therapy Ball Mobility http://bit.ly/tuneupyoga
???? Gentle Yoga for Beginners http://bit.ly/gentleyogabeg
???? 7 Day Morning Yoga Series http://bit.ly/morningseries
???????? Meditation for Beginners http://bit.ly/meditationbeg

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Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Yoga with Kassandra from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Yoga with Kassandra’s negligence.
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