You Can Be Alone And Still Be Enough


You’ve heard the lie that solitude is losing. That empty-handed is never what you want to be, because those who go at life solo are broken. They don’t fit. They don’t function. They aren’t whole.

And maybe you feel that way sometimes. You sit in muted light and wonder when the day will feel full again. The water pours down your skin but doesn’t soothe the numbness. Time journeys on without you, leaves you behind. Somehow over the years, you’ve let that lie seep into your bones and make you feel that you’ve lost—but have you?

Are you less of a person because you’re alone? Does winning always have to fit an accepted mold?

Lies are so hard to detangle, to scrub from your skin. But no matter how much you bleed, you’ve got to cut them out. You deserve to know the truth, to know that it’s okay to be alone.

It’s okay to be alone and have no one around to hear the rise and fall of your breath or the rhythmic beating of your heart. And it’s even okay to not be comfortable with that kind of silence yet—you cannot find yourself all in one day.

Maybe this is the time you need to realize that you are allowed to find happiness in your own ways. To realize that it’s no small thing to keep on breathing, but still you do, in and out as the clock hand moves.

No one will ever have full access to your thoughts and dreams but you, so be kind to yourself. You deserve love as much as every other person breathing on this earth. Being alone does not mean you aren’t good enough for other’s company or that you even need it. You can’t love people fully without first loving yourself.

This is the time to realize that you hold the strength to free yourself from the lies. And each day, that strength will look different, because living isn’t for the weak. Breathing and hoping aren’t for the shallow. You are allowed to mold your strength and recharge in the shadows.

Understand that the stillness calls when you need it. Allow yourself time to rest a while and be reminded of your worth—It is independent of who loves you and who doesn’t, of who stands by you and who leaves you. Your worth is found in the pulse of your heart, and the air in your lungs. You don’t need another person to supply you with worth, you just need to recognize that it lives within you.

Be patient in your healing. Those years of fitting a mold won’t release their grip easily, but know that they will leave. Put your energy into finding your core and healing from that suffocation.

Clear air can be found when you climb high above the lie that to be alone is to fail—the sun still shines on you regardless of who approves of you and who doesn’t. And if you can see the beauty in letting the present be what it is, then you’re already breaking free through walls of lies. Let them fall and choose their fear—you’ve always been stronger than them.

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