I’ll Wait Because I Trust God’s Timing


We may never understand why you make us wait. There is something about waiting for a prolonged amount of time that does not seem natural to me. However, you make us wait by design. You make us wait for various reasons. Sometimes the wait is to protect us. Other times it is because we are not ready. The timing may be off. Sometimes you make us wait for reasons that we will never understand. Although I do not understand these reasons, God, I will wait.

God, I will wait even when life gets hard. I will wait even when the alternative is to give up and I am struggling to move on. I will wait when it looks like you have forgotten about me and my prayers are not being answered. I will wait when it gets exhausting. I will wait when my future looks uncertain. I will wait when I face rejection and doors and opportunities seem to be closing. I will wait when I see others being blessed with the very thing that I have been praying to you about. I will wait when the burden is heavy. I will wait when it seems like I am running out of time. I will wait when I am scared. I will wait when others tell me I should give up on you.

God, I will wait because I trust you. You told me that you will never leave me or forsake me. I trust you, because your timing is perfect. I trust you because you are in complete control. Although waiting can be daunting, I know that is for my own good. I know you want to give me your best, and your best is not on my time but on yours. I know that the waiting will not be in vain but will teach me a lesson. It will teach me how to trust you, it will teach me that I am not in control, it will teach me to be patient. Although I hate waiting, God, I will wait.

I may never understand why you’ve made me wait. The waiting period has caused stress, confusion, and at times heartbreak. However, I know you will never hurt me. I know that you love me more than I can ever imagine. I know that on the other side of this waiting period is peace. I know in due time your timing will be perfect. So God, I’ll wait.

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