If you’re looking for a beginner core workout to strengthen your abdominals and relieve back pain, this one is perfect to do daily.
➡ Grab the free Deep Core Activation Exercises PDF here: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/transverse-abdominis-pdf/
➡ Deep Core Min-Training: coachsofiafitness.com/core
Beginner Core Exercises for Back Pain Relief:
00:00 Intro
00:32 Quadruped Hand Off Floor
02:04 Quadruped March
03:18 Slow Bird Dog
05:00 Quadruped Alternating Arm Raises
06:15 Side plank – switch sides
08:20 Alternating Toe Taps
10:11 Abdominal Stretch
These back pain exercises focused on strengthening your deeper core – transverse abdominis which acts as a spine safety belt and will alleviate pressure form your spine, and the sciatic nerve.
Recommended Pain Relief Programs:
▶Piriformis Control: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/piriformis-control/
▶Back Pain Control: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/join-back-pain-bootcamp/
▶ Strong Glutes: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/strong-glutes-program/
▶ Deep Core Mini-Training: https://www.coachsofiafitness.com/core
Coach Sofia is a Certified Strength Coach & NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist at CSF Back Recovery Inc. where we help women and men fix lower back pain, piriformis syndrome, and muscle pain through corrective strengthening exercises, gentle stretching routines and helpful daily management tips. Sofia went through a long pain journey herself after being diagnosed in 2011 with piriformis syndrome, an L5/S1 herniation, and ankylosing spondylitis. She shares everything that helped her heal and regain her life on her blog and this channel.
*See National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) credential: https://scq.io/0MVjquS
If you have a medical condition, including physical injuries, and/or your physician advises against it, do not engage in any exercise routine or training advice on coach sofia fitness channel or site.
All information, workouts, and nutrition information are not intended to substitute medical and/or health advice or to treat an illness or health condition.