Welcome back to Juno’s Daily Stretches, where flow meets fun! Follow Juno, an 8-year-old yogi and gymnast from New York, as she shares daily routines perfect for kids, the family – everyone! Dive into playful, mindful flows that promote health, mindfulness and wellbeing. Let’s get stretching!
In this video, Juno guides you through stretches for your shoulders and elbows that could help relieve upper back pain.
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Thanks for watching and supporting Juno’s Daily Stretches!
– https://youtu.be/OhKscl9C9qQ
– https://youtu.be/8j2hBxze99s
– https://youtu.be/A3gFasx5vuQ
– https://youtu.be/OhKscl9C9qQ
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