🪱Hip Mobility Flow!

Yoga For Men
Here is a little sequence to stretch the hamstrings, Quads, Adductors and Abductors. Let’s briefly explore one by one..

🎯 Quads / Hip Flexors: starting with the anterior chain (front of the body) — the deep lunge is by far one of the best stretches for the Hip Flexors. Keep a light PPT to make this stretch more effective, and really engaged the glute of the back leg to get deeper into the position.

🎯 Hamstrings / Calves: following with a posterior chain focus (back of the body) — the half split or runner stretch is great to open up the hamstrings, and back side of the spine. Flex the front foot to involve the calve as well.

🎯 Inner Hips: better known as our leg adductors which tend to be very tight for most people. Tailor pose or butterfly stretch is a great hip opener. If middle splits is in your list, this one is a most. Sit up tall and reach forward rather than down. Think belly to feet, rather than head to feet.

🎯 Outer Hips: moving on to the abductors now, we have “Cow Face Pose” (Yoga pose) which is a very gentle outer hip opener. Just sitting with that leg position might be enough to feel the stretch (mostly on the top leg). Lean slightly forward to add more intensity.

👉🏽 Stretch towards mild discomfort. Never through pain.

👉🏽 Hold each position for 30-90sec and perform the whole sequence 2-3x.

👉🏽 You could also work on more active variations of the positions, PNF, Ballistic, and Dynamic stretching.

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With Love,
– The SM Team

#HipMobility #HipFlexibility #SaturnoMovement

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