Kamar Dard Yoga Back Pain yoga
#Back_Pain #Kamardard #Dr.manoj_Yogacharya #Yoga_For_Back_pain
**प्राणायाम क्या और कैसे करें,गर्मी में 7-सर्दी में 5 प्राणायाम बनायेंगे स्वस्थ
**आँखों के लिए योग व प्राचीन अनुभूत प्रयोग
**शवासन – Shawasan साथ में करें मानसिक शारीरिक लाभ प्राप्त करें
**दो प्राणायाम का COMBO न्यूरो,तनाव,थायरॉइड,आंख,नाक,गला आदि में लाभकारी #Pranayam
1.वनोषधी-2.गोखरू kidney stone Arthritis Impotence white hair solutionमें रामबाण उपाय Gokhru herbplant
2.वनोषधी-3.बेर antiseptic, Indigestion,Best Burning antiseptic,Plumb tree herbplant
3.वनोषधी-4.भू-आंवला fatty liver,cholesterol,kidney stone,likoria,pails,skin problems,Bhumi Amla plants
4.वनोषधी-5..आक,migraine,pails,asthma,knee pain,gastritis,Aak ke Fhayde,आक
5.वनोषधी-6..नागफनी Benefits of Cactus,cancer,shugar,constipation,knee pain,obesity,ANIDRA(Insomnia)
6.वनोषधी-1..पुनर्नवा liver,heart,kidney problem में रामबाण उपाय Punarnava herb plant
7.वनोषधी-7..सदाबहार,Benefits of sadabahar,cancer,shugar,anxiety,depression,hair problem,skin problem
8.वनोषधी-8..धतूरा knee pain,arteritis,asthma,Ear pain में रामबाण उपाय Punarnava herb plant
9.वनोषधी-9..बेर-Ber,cancer-preventive,anti aging,ladies problem,asthma,obesity,Khansi,मुंह के छाले
10.वनोषधी-10..वनतुलसी(मरुआ)ladies problem,antiseptic,hair problem,asthma,obesity,Khansi,pyria
11.वनोषधी-11..एलोवेरा-ग्वारपाठा,stomach problem,burning body parts,Heart,liver,kidney function,blood
12. वनोषधी-12..बिल्व पत्र #diabetes#pails#constipation#loose motion#Inflammation in legs#Bilwapatra
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. We are trying to provide a perfect, valid, specific, detailed information .we are not a licensed professional so make sure with your professional consultant in case you need. All the content published in our channel is our own experience